Dentures can provide a positive solution to improving your oral health when you have missing teeth and a loss of proper oral function and health. At Royalteeth Family Dental, we help figure out your denture needs, provide the dentures and educate you on denture care. We are with you during every part of the process.

When Are Dentures Needed?
We often suggest dentures to our patients when they have lost a full row of teeth or all of the teeth. This is when a full denture or a complete set of dentures is needed. Nonetheless, partial dentures are also an option when you lose a small number of teeth, while keeping stable teeth for the denture to attach to. We provide dentures that are designed to fit your unique mouth for proper function and comfort. People tend to quickly get used to the feel of dentures as if they were natural teeth.

When we fit you for dentures, we also provide aftercare to help you keep your dentures in good condition when you’re at home. This can include caring for your dentures and removing partial dentures to care for the natural teeth and gums. We also educate you on getting accustomed to your dentures and handling initial discomfort. Instead of coming to the dentist for a regular checkup and cleaning like you would if you had natural teeth, you now come for periodic denture cleaning that provides a deeper clean and color fix. If you have a mixture of partial dentures and regular teeth, we can take care of both during your visit.

We often suggest conventional dentures to provide durability. Nonetheless, this is not the only option available to you. For instance, you could instead choose dental implants to have permanent teeth you wouldn’t need to remove. We can perform a thorough exam and talk to you about your options to work together on determining the right solution.

Benefits of Dentures
Dentures help your mouth have proper function when the loss of teeth is impairing your ability to talk and eat. While many people think dentures greatly limit what they can eat and drink, this solution significantly broadens your options compared to having missing teeth. Dentures improve oral health as there are now teeth in place to protect the gums from food particles that can turn into tooth decay and gum disease. And not only do dentures add function, they also improve the look of your smile and help you feel more confident.

At Royalteeth Family Dental, we aim to offer this type of restorative dental care in as affordable a manner as possible to help you restore the look and function of your mouth. To get an assessment to see if dentures could improve your oral health, contact us at (210) 610-7772 to make an appointment.